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Old 02-18-2019, 06:53 PM   #23
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Location: Tucson, AZ USA
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Re: I'm legit again, my "new" '68 LB

Actually, I remember my Merse as being a little lighter grey. And it had that sunroof. Ours had Black and Yellow California plates, IPA 388. Never changed out to AZ plates. We moved to Tucson from LA in 1971. When gas was a lot cheaper [.25 cents/gallon for premium in Hollywood] I commuted to school in LA.
My Dad was told by the Beverly Hills used car dealer that it had been Jack Lemmon's car-for-his-maid-to use. When he fired her, he sold the car. It had just been re-ringed by the MBZ mechanics, <<Fritz und Wolfgang>> [I called them]. I was to bring it back for valve adjustments in precisely 100 miles. I didn't, I kept running it, and the 1900 cc mill threw a rod southbound on the Newport Freeway while hotfooting it to a Rubgy game.
Shortly thereafter, I was done with imports and found the Orange pickup in the LA Times classifieds in Pasadena for $1200.

As per you pic: Haircut says Late '70s. Suit and object in hands [diploma?] says Graduation. Catalinas in b.g. says Tucson, U of A? Me too.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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