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Old 02-26-2019, 01:22 AM   #40
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Re: I'm legit again, my "new" '68 LB

Looks nice. Did you cut in a relay harness, or stay with the stock wiring?
You might wanta keep the old lights for spares.
Last November, I blew thru a string of 4 or 5 headlights, until I R+R'd the EVR. Also a lost nut on the positive starter cable was a contributing factor. I like the halogen lamps
but the Sylvania Nighthawks I used to run went up to $25 each...That's fifty bucks for both.
Late night, and stores closed, with a work call in the morning, I even cannibalised the headlamps off my '67 Suburban. One I had to glue back together with RTV, the lens had separated from the reflector due to 20 years of sunbaking. The other one slipped off my tailgate and smashed on the hard ground when I moved my leg. Ooops.
I got a deal of 4 NAPA/Wagners from RockAuto for $3.87 each. Then two popped from my wild voltage surges.
Settled down now, but I'd keep the hard core old school stuff around for when the fancy stuff goes poof.

Wow, that's twice my elevation. Reminds me of snaps of my trucks snowed upon in Pinetop. I'll have to dig them out and digitize them.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 02-26-2019 at 01:28 AM.
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