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Old 02-27-2019, 09:30 PM   #7
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Re: In stumped. Not easy to do.

It could be MY old socks, I have a few solo artists arcin around here...
Just my 2c, but while you've gone to the trouble to clean it, the inner coating goes a long way to keeping ANYthing that didn't get flushed from coming loose and clogging the new filter sock. it will take time to clog, but it would take a lot longer to clog with an inner seal coat - and they are very easy to apply, much less work than the cleaners, assuming you still have the tank out (pour in, roll over a time or two, let dry, repeat and let dry lying on the other big side the 2nd time for a pretty even inner coat). I recently did this to my 59 MF50 tractor's tank and it seemed to make quite a clean surface that sealed in all the crap that looked like it could come loose over time after I cleaned it and before I coated it. Just a thought, either way, BIG improvement. I guess I'll throw away one of my mis-matched socks now.
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