Re: What causes valves to stick?
Are the pictures from the first incident or the second time? I would look very hard at the oiling system. Inspect the oil pump and its relief valve. Pull the filter and cut it apart to see if it is plugged. Check the filter bypass. Pull the galley plugs and rod the passages if necessary.
Low oil volume will cause the valve train to overheat. The oil that flows from the push rods down over the rocker arms valve springs and the down to the valve guide is what cools those components. If the volume of oil is not enough then heat builds up. The heat causes the guide clearances get tighter which in turn makes more heat. Worse case is the valve siezes and it is hit by the piston.
The gauling on the push rods in the photo look to me to be oil related.
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help. 
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
If it breaks I didn't want it in the first place
The WMB repair thread