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Old 03-06-2019, 11:37 AM   #1
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Continuing Coolant Leak 72 350 engine

I previously posted, and am continuing to have a coolant leak from my intake. Crate 350/290 engine replacing the original 350 4bbl. I am using my original cast iron intake that had no leaking issues before.

The engine has NOT been started yet. I get coolant leak from the 2nd bolt on the right side, that goes through a U shaped A/C bracket. The leak occurs after I fill the radiator with no pressure on the system.

I tried to remove the bolts and reseal the threads and r-torque, but that changed nothing and failed. I am going to pull the intake and start over, by chasing and cleaning all the bolt threads and sealing surfaces.

I had used Rectorseal TRU-BLU on the threads and Permatex Ultra Black on the front & rear edges and around the coolant ports.

I plan to use ARP Thread Sealer on the threads and Permatex The Right Stuff One Minute Gasket on the front and rear edges. Any suggestions for sealing around the coolant passages?

Does all this sound good, or does anyone have a better suggestion.
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