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Old 03-06-2019, 07:47 PM   #173
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Re: 1965 LWB Stepside Build

Originally Posted by Johns 66 View Post
So Very

I know we had some storms last week but today is pretty here. I believe I heard loud noises and what feels like an earthquake coming from south Georgia.....Could it be someone is excited to get his new 7.5 hp Big Dog compressor today? LOL
Got the compressor couple of hours ago. It is a beast. It came in a crate and was too tall to fit in the garage. The ABF driver was kind enough to wait while I cut off the top of the crate so it would fit in the garage. I still had to lift the garage door slightly to get it in on the pallet jack.

Here is a picture of it...not in its final resting place, but close. I want to turn it and put it in the corner. Will have to invite some friends over for a beer then they can help me push it in place. Then I will finish wiring it up.

I got the wire from the attic fished down to the panel and connected to the bottom 40 AMP breaker. I have the wire in attic over to the top of the wall I am going to drop it down, but don't want to until I know exactly where I am going to put it. I used the recommended wire... 6/2. I have never used that thick wire is stout. Since both wires in the breaker are hot, I marked the white wire with black marker for anyone in the future...even though the rest of the panel wasn't done that way. Tested the breaker and it matches the rest of the 240 breakers at 244v.

Can't wait to get it up and running in the next few days.
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