Well the gauges I have are not stock. They're the el cheap from any parts store. The reason I wanted to get them was because I already have the speedo and tach. Like mentioned I want to make sure everything goes well with the engine and make sure of everything working smoothly.
If I go with the front end kit the I need to add tie rod ends, etc along with new front springs. Plus I really don't have the time right now to do it all since i don't get the weekend off and my days off are seperate usually. Along with that and no 2nd truck to drive to and from work I'm kinda stuck between a hard place for that.
If I went with the aerochambers I can resell the flows for some $$$.
If I go with the fuel pump and plugs the truck would run better than now. I know I need a new fuel pump but may just grab a O'Rilley's new one for now to get my by.
The Megashifter is just a "want" and not really a need. I just wanted to have it but that can come later
Any more opinions?