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Old 03-10-2019, 12:57 PM   #4
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Re: It's running, how do I get to the exhaust shop?

Originally Posted by ls1nova71 View Post
You are going to need a good tune since the cam isnt stock. I would suggest finding a way to trailer it to the exhaust shop, get the exhaust done, then let it run a bit. Although 4k rpm sounds awful high, so like the other guy said, sounds like a vacuum leak, and a big one such as the fitting for the brake booster not being hooked up. Have you checked everything over real good to make sure you didnt miss anything?
I don't see any open ports on the intake so here's a dumb question - where is the brake booster vacuum *supposed* to come from? I clipped the end of a fitting on the pass side /rear to find vacuum.

Another thought I had is that the O2 sensors are seeing clean air. Would the PCM just keep adding fuel to try and get A/F down from an infinite number? This afternoon, I'll remove the sensors, throw the O2 codes and see if the computer will find a limp home baseline that I can work with.
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