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Old 03-12-2019, 08:05 PM   #16
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Re: Rear Bumper Bolt Pattern Thread

I think your on the right track using the 2wd front hole them making a new hole in the bracket at the rear. 2wd leaf spring bracket has to be all on its own or...

Maybe blazer is the same. 72 blazers inner bracket is part of the frame so that doesn't count.
Blazer behind the wheel is the same length as short bed trucks.
4wd blazers are leaf spring.
I wonder if they have the same length leaf spring as your 2wd truck, you could measure your spring length and compare to 4wd blazers, if it matches then a blazer bracket could be the same.

The folded relief at the top of the 2wd bracket is to clear the last bed bolt so you will have to cut the bracket like a 4wd one or use an open ended wrench to install the last bed bolt.
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