Slamed67,in your 1st post you say you are concerned with safety, then you later say you modified your truck so it sits on the ground when aired out. One who is concerned with safety does not create a situation which a least can wreck your truck and at worst can kill you. If you install a bump stop (which can fail) you are stoping the down travel of your cross arm before you are completly aired out. Why not reenginer the system so when you are aired out the cross member has the same amount of clearance as it would with the bump stop. If you are concerned about your safety you also must take into consideration your scrub line. Yor scrub line is where your veh sits if the air is out of your tire. With my 2 1/2 inches of cross member clearance , if get a flat and the air goes out at the same time my front cross member will be on the ground. Not by much but it is something I think about. Hopefully if it happens on the highway i will just skid to a stop leaving a lot of sparks. in town I am always looking for man holes and rough pavement.also am usually going 25-30 MPH and a air loss/flat might wreck my front end but it wont kill me I hope. Remember the rule of 5 ,when you change something there are usually 5 other unseen things that change with it.