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Old 03-14-2019, 01:35 PM   #8
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Re: Towing with and modifying my C20 ???

Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.

I have made a start on the tow hitch, I hope to have it on in next 2 weeks, along with the trailer wiring and electric brake controller so I can do a few test runs and see how it goes.

If i am happy with how it tows performance wise, I will sell the drop spindles and buy some stock height ones, lower the rear a couple of inches to level it out and drive it.

If not, I will keep my Ford and slowly modify this with a 2-5 drop, disc brakes and 485LE, then mod the engine as I can afford to or go with the original plan of a blue print 383 with roller cam. Just need some funds.

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