Thread: 47-55.1 Hose clamp vs spring clamp
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Old 03-14-2019, 05:39 PM   #4
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Re: Hose clamp vs spring clamp

when doing repairs it is also important to check the inside of the hose for corrosion build up that is stuck to the inside of the hose as well as checking the connection it fits against for the same. I have seen a lot of leaks from guys who just repaired something but didn't check these spots. mostly guys I have worked with in shops over the years thought the spring clamps were used because they were easy to install on the assembly line. they would get chucked at repair time. the spring clamps work well and I use them but usually replace them when doing a repair because I usually feel they have lost some of their tension when being removed. I have a tendency to "over open" them. lol. extremist.
I also have the same set of clamp pliers, both types as well as a third type. no pic as I am away from my tool box right now.
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