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Old 03-15-2019, 11:58 PM   #2
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Re: Nik's '68 GMC C15 build thread

The engine that was advertised as a freshly rebuilt 350 ended up being a 305 cubic inch boat anchor. Oh well. I had a machined 350 block and rotating assembly sitting on a shelf that had been waiting for a home. I assembled my short block and sourced some decent factory cylinder heads that had a little bit of work done to them and picked up a Weiand aluminum intake and rebuilt an Edelbrock 1406 carb that I had on a shelf. I modified an HEI distributor and added an MSD Digital 6+ ignition box to control my spark.
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'59 Apache - 383" SBC/TH-350
'68 GMC - BBC/TH400
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