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Old 03-17-2019, 08:01 PM   #83
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Re: I'm legit again, my "new" '68 LB

Wow, you young CroMagnon toolmakin' whipper-snappers are polluting the Primordial Swamp with your inventions! Us Neanderthals had to make do with the tips of an old pair of needle-nosed pliers for turning switch/knob bezels... [Which are damn hard to chisel out of flint.] My favorite is a pair of SOG Paratool folding multi-pliers which break over above the handles and fold back into the tool. This allows the handles to work at 90* degrees. Can't find this artifact currently.

Lights switch below the Wiper/Washer switch is normal for '67-'68 MY.

It depends on what you're used to for best Driver ergonomics. I was driving my '68 for 20 years before I got the '71 Jimmy. Sometimes I grab the wrong control when not looking. I'm tempted to move the controls around on a major cockpit overhaul.
I'd install a 16'' 3-Spoke 67-68 wheel after I refurbish it and paint it black, move the Wiper switch over to the left side, drop the Lights switch below it. Move the Choke knob up one slot and install a manual Throttle knob below it.
Also upgrade the gauges: Nordskog digital Voltmeter, AutoMeter mechanical Temp Indicator, Vacuum and Oil Pressure gauges, and AutoMeter Tach. I have these gauges, just never installed them.
I would then have a faked '68 looking dash -- two years before GMC debuted the Jimmy.

BTW, the blue paint on your Chevy dash is interesting. To my knowledge Chevy alweays painted the dash panels India Black. GMC had a habit of paintinng them to match interior color. Since my GMC's interior was black anyway, I never knew this, until I found this Forum. Your dash panel may have been cannibalized out of a GMC.
Looking closely, the chrome plating tells me that's '69 and later Dash. 67-68s were painted silver [or Fawn] on the sides, and had the Wiper/Washer above the Lights switch.
So PO changed out the dash, keeping the early switch positions.[If he couldn't read anyway why switch the labels?] Maybe upgraded to the 7-gauge Deluxe panel from the 3-hole Standard panel. Who knows?

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.

Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 03-17-2019 at 08:38 PM.
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