Thread: 47-55.1 Engine swap
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Old 03-19-2019, 04:57 PM   #2
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Re: Engine swap

Some basics:
The 230 is longer by a couple inches. He'll probably have to go with electric fans unless he gets real creative with relocating the radiator forward some.

He'll need to swap out the entire drive train to an open driveshaft and rearend unless he can CNC some kind of adapter to bolt to the existing tranny/torque tube setup. I don't believe theres an adapter available for this and haven't heard of anyone going this route....

I recently swapped out a blown 250 with an SBC in a 49 GMC and the frame mounted motor mounts remained the same for both, only difference being the upper engine mounts. The tranny (TH350), rearend (80's Nova) and driveshaft bolted right up to the SBC. So whatever you read and research for an SBC swap into an AD will be pertinent to a 230/250/292 swap with the exception of radiator clearance, which can be worked around.

It's alot of work but worth it in the fun factor.
Good luck
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