Thread: 47-55.1 Engine swap
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Old 03-20-2019, 01:07 AM   #4
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Re: Engine swap

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
If the truck is a 48 or later all he needs is a Cast iron 55/59 V8 bellhousing. The stock 3 or 4 speed will bolt right to it.

That is how my truck was done in when I bought with a 194 in 1973. The previous owner had done the swap several years before.

If he has a 54 or first gen 55 the bellhousing will bolt right on if he has a 48/53 he will have to modify the top of the center crossmember a bit to get the V8 mounts to set down on the older crossmember but it is't rocket science. a bit of cutting and a bit of welding.

He will have to come up with or make some side mounts. Chassis engineering did sell a nice set but they haven't been advertising them since the company sold and moved.

The big issue is the fan/water pump shaft to radiator clearnce. I cut the shaft on the pump down on mine after pressing the hub back so I could run a shorter pulley. I'd suggest that and an electric fan I don't like pusher fans that well but he may have to use a pusher fan.
I've got some bellhousings laying around but it might be easier to find one local than ship it. A lot of people have them laying around.
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