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Old 03-20-2019, 12:31 PM   #9
LH Lead-Foot
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Omaha, NE.
Posts: 214
Re: Cross flow rad in a 65?

Well, I agree with using grounds. I worked on imports at a few small shops where they had a techs for the big three. They use grounds every where.

Congratulations, as you post information shows you have doing research every where you can get eyeballs on it. This is call "Best Practices" and will not let you down. I can say with your attention to product, asking good questions, will result in a proper build.

Anything that drop in place as designed take a lot of the headaches out of a build. They industry is driven by fuel economy and reducing weight with plastic and aluminum. Although a brass radiator will last much longer that an all aluminum one, they still have a valid place in the hot rod market.

Keep up informed. As far as down flow radiators, they worked for manufactures for years, but we all know that higher compression and type of use, produces heat. While crossflow radiators are the normal for years, the 2 or 3 pass is exactly what OEM's are using in the A/C condenser since 2000 for GM. Plus extruded tubing to expel latent heat with the use of R143a. So, using this idea in a radiator would be the aftermarket catching up, then applying it in a high performance radiator. It's just the price is crazy...

My wallet refuses to open at the site of such a price, but I am no longer bringing home 2K after taxes per week anymore.

Below, is GM's R143a condenser evolution to current. I cut one open for tech seminar. You can't flush that one, but you can't beat it's heat transfer either.

Best of luck.
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