Well, my build has hit a number of snags in the past couple of months. I will do a more in-depth update in the build thread, however, for now, I need to address my windshield issue.
The guys who did the "body work" on my '74 cut the OEM windshield seal out with a razor blade. So, I ordered a replacement seal from Precision (WCR-848) and the corresponding Black Locking Strip (WLS-466).
Since my windshield had a couple of stars from rocks, and the tint along the top had faded to a dark tan color. . . I decided to replace the glass. Ordering from anyone out of state, costs around $114 for the glass and anywhere from another $125-$215 to ship it. . . so I would be buying the equivalent of (3) windshields.
I find a local shop that can get a windshield from PGW (wholesale who will not even talk to you unless you are a glass shop or body shop) and my cost is $86. When it arrives, it is a full .100" thinner than factory glass. They order a second one from another wholesaler. . . same thing; .100" thinner.
After three aborted attempts by the installer to install it anyway, it's a no go. After several days and countless hours of calling, every single company I talked to said thicker glass is no longer manufactured ANYWHERE and the market is flooded with thinner Chinese glass.
So now I am looking for a shop that will repair the 'stars' and install the old windshield. Every glass shop in a 50 mile radius refuses to install the old glass for a host of reasons (excuses) such as:
"Do you still have the old seal?"
-- (me) "No, they cut it out."
"Too bad. I only install glass with the old seal. Precision ALWAYS leaks."
-- (me) "So you won't install my windshield?"
"No. Not without the old seal."
"We don't do anything older than 1990."
"We might be able to install it. . . for $250 labor." (mind you, NO PARTS!)
"We will install for $330.56 on Monday next week."
-- Receive a text message "we won't work on a truck that old."
"I am 20 minutes away from the warehouse. I will check availability and call you right back with a quote."
-- It was 10:00 AM. At 5:05 PM still no call back.
Several "local" glass shops, using local phone numbers and addresses, end up going to some asinine call center that "redirects" the call to a glass shop of their choosing. This seems to be the new 21st Century Business Model. I lost count on how many "local" glass shops I called that went to call centers halfway across the country.
When I call LMC, Brothers, PGW, Classic Industries, etc... and ask about how thick their glass is, the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. You can't even get them to measure it for you before laying out hundreds of dollars.
So, as best I can tell, if I want OEM thickness glass, I will have to find a good used windshield. Otherwise, I need to settle for glass that is only .185" thick. Then I need to install it myself, as todays glass shops want to only install glass that uses tube adhesives and no rubber seals.
- Am I the only one who has run into this issue?
- Is it true that no companies manufacture OEM thickness windshields?
- Do you get the run-around from glass shops in your area like I am getting?
- Is there a glass fairy people use, who only supplies to $100,000 builds?