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Old 03-26-2019, 10:41 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Derby Kansas
Posts: 392
Re: 1973 crew cab c30

The grill is broke and the hood has a decent sized dent in the front not visable in the picture. The guy I got it from told me it was a 1973 but I ran the VIN and came back 1976. I didn't need a title cause I was just needing it for parts. It could be saved but would need a lot of work. The interior is beat to death and the front clip is rusty and 3 out of the 4 doors are junk. The bed sides aren't that bad but the floor does have holes. I got this truck and a 66 step side and a 62 snub nose c60. The guy has several other trucks so I might be picking up another truck or two or three or.....
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