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Old 03-27-2019, 11:43 PM   #2
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Re: Captainfab D52 caliper rear conversion kit

1) I used the wilwood brake line kit for whatever specific brake kit you are buying. Then you can pick up an axle brake tab kit from amazon to secure it to the axle (it will make sense in the pictures) you can go to wilwoods website, find the part number of the brakes you're buying and it will give you a part number for their line kits. D52 is Wilwood 220-11371

2)The wilwood prop valve works great for me, you might check out performance online for some cheaper options.

3) Just above halfway down you find some pics of the rear brake line install.

Note: These conversions come with everything you need in one simple package.
Wilwood also has a rear parking brake kit for GM rear ends,


I'm not familiar with using captainfabs brackets etc. but from what little research I've done it seems you will be within +/- $200 dollars no matter what option you choose.

Last edited by p0508; 03-28-2019 at 12:02 AM.
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