I'll have to get you some photos, but I have this setup on my 68.
I'm using braided stainless hoses, but I took a different approach to the brake lines. Typical rear drum brake setups use a rubber hose connected to the line from the master cylinder that's then connected to a T fitting with hard brakes clamped to the axle housing and plumed into the wheel cylinders. The only part that moves with suspension is the rubber line.
I used brake line tubing all the way and attached it all to the frame, then my braided brake lines attach to the calipers.
As for proportioning valve, I'm using a Wilwood 7/8" bore tandem master cylinder with the attached adjustable proportioning valve. Like this->
Of course I'm running 13" 6 piston Wilwoods up front and Wilwood D52 small bore calipers on the rear.
If you plan to run stock front brakes, this might be a better option.