Dube, Process of elimination without the manual, The 2 outside wires (appearing to be pink) that are going into sockets are your bulbs these go into the parklights/dashlight circut. The one wire being held on there by the nut looks to be a ground, if you pull the nut off and it looks to be identicle to the other one with no insulator then it's a ground and should be replaced by a black wire. Now that leaves the group of three, Black is 99.9 times ground that leaves the real 2 important wires blue and what looks like to be yellow or white, I would almost bet the blue is for the tach signal going to the coil and the other is for ignition. Hope this helps, also note that the group of three wires is the same as the three in a row studs next to where the wires come out.
1967 C10 - SWBSS Pro Street 427sbc, 700R4 & 4.10 Gears
1948 Chevy FleetMaster Coupe, LS1, (almost done)
1950 Chevy StyleLine Coupe 250/6 3x2 Dueces
2009 Toyota Tundra
1996 Harley RoadKing
"I maybe getting old, but I can still burn rubber with the best of them"