Thread: TX Rochester 4G 4BBL
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Old 04-05-2019, 09:14 AM   #2
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Re: Rochester 4G 4BBL

if you still have this I'd like to see what shipping would be? would you happen to need a 2 barrel air cleaner I could cut loose with that, I bought from guy back East on here and cleaned up or I've got a 1971-72 q jet- I got a edelbrock Q-jet with electric choke, a complete 63 deluxe heater set up.
I took my intake off due to leak and realized it was a 350 in disguise lol but the 283 Intake and the ports on the 1970-71 big truck 350 were half the size of the other so my buddy inherited a 45 ft trailer full of old race parts, intakes ,carbs, he's got a 100 percent complete orig 1957 283 with powerģlide it's a flint motor and he had a 4 jet and intake off a corvette 327 but couldnt find it , I had put it on top of the 72 402 turbo fire chevelle in the corner but proof gone. like a fart in the wind. so I pulled a 1968 camaro SS/corvette but if like a clean 4 jet I could run on it that's a working bolt on thing. if no trades get me shipping to 93535 and I'll get you some money in your pocket so you can send it my way. thnx
'yeah I just had it painted' me: " dam man that thing looks like a side of beef" or "dam bro looks like a sack of walnuts" or the ever so smart ass: " well at least it's a friendly color, it waves as you drive by" first Boss's famous words "I dont know anyone who can see both sides at the same time" Just my 2 event's, tho nobody Carr's, sincerely AssHoleExtraordinaire.....
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