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Old 04-06-2019, 03:04 PM   #14
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Larkspur, Colorado
Posts: 916
Re: WTB: 503 green tailgate


OK, here's some detail pics on the tailgate. Couple dents in the area of the tailgate letters, cracks in the area above The latch handle opening, and a small dent at the top as shown in the pictures. The gate is straight top and bottom and not twisted. There are no rust holes or rust through anywhere. A typical solid Colorado tailgate that way. Latch and hinge pockets aren't damaged and are in unusually good condition. I believe the paint to be original. If it looks like something you want to move forward on let me know and I'll take it to work and get a shipping quote.


Steve weim55 Colorado
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