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Old 04-10-2019, 10:15 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Boise, Idaho
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Free frame cart thingies to move your bare frame around on wheels.

Ok, in a few weeks I'll have my frame on it's axles and won't need these anymore. They bolt onto the stock cross-members using original holes. Wham bam, you have a steerable cart to roll your frame round on.

Yeah, one of the rear wheels failed at the powder coater shop, they are cheap at Harbor Freight, just a regular old wheel barrow wheel.

No shipping, I live in the South SF bay area, come and get them.

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1948 Chevy pickup
Chopped, Sectioned, 1953 Corvette 235 powered. Once was even 401 Buick mid engined with the carburetor right between the seats!
Bought with paper route money in 1973 when I was 15.

"Fan of most anything that moves human beings"
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