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Old 04-10-2019, 11:37 PM   #9
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Re: 1955 Chevy Cameo Chassis Swap

it has small chevy pattern s10 wheels on it so that means its probably a 80-90 caprice frame with non-hd brakes. the hd brakes and later models were 5 on 5.

there shouldnt be much difference in the frame for those years, the brakes either, about the only thing I can think to id the actual year is the front disc brake hoses. take a picture of your hoses then go to an auto parts store and ask for 1981 hoses, and compare them, then 85, then 89. GM had a habit of changing the way the hoses were attached to the frame, early cars used a screw thread, mid gen cars used a simple clip, and later years used a 6 pointed hole and clip.

once you know the appx year range you should be able to order parts. it occurs to me that caprice used a couple different rearends too, so if you can get the ratio by spinning the wheel and counting the driveshaft turns, you will be able to tell if its an early (non od, really "tall" low number ratio) car or late (od, less rear gear higher number ratio).

also check the shock mounts, older cars used SAE hardware with nuts, and newer cars used metric hardware with j clips.

just a couple ideas to try, I bet it rides and drives 1000X better with the IFS and car springs under it. Looks like a super nice truck, makes me want one!
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