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Old 05-30-2004, 01:36 PM   #10
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Posts: 43
Well I took the alternator to another parts store and it tested out ok. It's supposed to put out 14.4 volts right?

So I bought a voltage regulator there and when I got home I popped the cap off the old voltage reg. and found a blown/fried wire. Well that was at least part of my problem, because it still doesn't charge at 14.4 volts. I let it warm up and revved it a bit and it got up to 13.8 volts on the revs, but then would drop down to about 13 volts at idle. What does this mean?

To double-check I tested my car at idle, it was at 14.4 volts.

Another question, what is the purpose of this resistor? that plugs into the volt. reg. in the pic?

Thanks for all your help guys I appreciate it.

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