Thread: 47-55.1 Frame boxing
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Old 04-14-2019, 01:50 PM   #11
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Re: Frame boxing

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
If you remove the crossmember under the bellhousing it is wise to box or otherwise reinforce the frame. Otherwise the weight of the cab will twist the tops of the rails out over time and the cab will settle to the rails. That isn't If but when it happens as it will happen.

We have learned a lot about welding on our trucks an hot rods and customs over the past few years and the main thing is that we DON'T RUN LONG CONTINUOUS BEADS or it will warp/distort the metal. Along with that it is a good idea to have the frame on some sort of frame table or jig during the process or at least solidly sitting level on saw horses or stands. The guy who did a bunch of welding on my frame years ago welded in a warp because we didn't think it out and do things right.

As for trimming the plates make cardboard patterns and I'd suggest setting the boxing plates slightly inside the rails edge like 3/8 of an inch as you see in this photo of a Ford frame.

That lets you get a good weld in the V area between the rail and the plate and also lets you set the brake an fuel lines inside the edge of the frame rail just a tad.
That's great advice. I have a friend with a water jet cutter that will make them for the cost of the material at most.
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