Thread: Eaton ho72
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Old 04-20-2019, 09:58 AM   #6
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Re: Eaton ho72

I can't answer your question but I have 2 links saved
that are an interesting read.
1st one has info about spider gears.
2nd one has good pictures to show what the Eaton looks like torn apart.

Link 1:

Link 2:

Hope this helps and in no way am I try to make this about a 14 bolt swap subject.
I want to run my Eaton also.
I have 3 center chunks.
One of them is an early Eaton that have one pinion bearing an a bushing in the rear of the pinion.
The other 2 have pinion bearings in front and the rear.

The early bird gets the worm,
But the second mouse gets the cheese

84 Chevy K-20
63 Impala (my high school car) Cab Build
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