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Old 05-31-2004, 08:09 AM   #5
Tx Firefighter
Watch out for your cornhole !
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It will have an L20 engine. That's a very good sturdy engine. They typically have carb problems though. If the carb gets too bad, most guys replace it with a Weber. All of the Weber dealers will know exactly what you're dealing with and they have a carb specially made to replace the troublesome stock unit.

Also, they usually have a 4 speed non-overdrive trans, so they do tend to rev on the highway.

Every one I've ever seen had a fixed non-flex non-clutch fan that sounds like a jet engine when it's revved up. A good flex fan or clutch should free up some mileage and power as well as quieting the thing down.

I tried to put a 5 speed overdrive out of a B210 (I think) in a 77 model truck one time and it will not fit. The floor board on the truck hugs the stock 4 speed trans real tight, and the bigger 5 speed overdrive hits in every imaginable place.
I'm on the Instagram- @Gearhead_Kevin
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