Thread: 47-55.1 Fender Install
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Old 04-25-2019, 03:13 PM   #5
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Re: Fender Install

thanks guys
these are not reports, although they didn't come off this truck. there was a fitment off before paint, but It was so many years ago, (it's been painted for nearly 2 years). Plus when I fit everything I was just out of high school, so I doubt I did a very good job fitting it all. I honestly can't remember. There are enough scratches...err...character flaws, that I already plan on getting it all touched up when all is said and done. So I don't mind modifying if I need to.
yes I know and regret building the truck in the order, but it is what it is at this point.

yes, I fit the hood to cowl, and am trying to fit the fenders to the hood.

the grill bar and top plate were on there to take a picture. So far I've been playing with the inner outer fenders, the rad support and sometimes the outer fender supports if I feel like I'm getting close to good fitment.

Martinsr, do you think the rad support is leaning too far to the driverside?

thanks again

1952 Chevy 1 ton = The Build page
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