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Old 04-27-2019, 04:22 PM   #1
LH Lead-Foot
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Omaha, NE.
Posts: 214
LS rocker needle bearings on top of head

With one rocker arm cover or valve cover removed, I found two needles bearings that came from one of the rocker arms. I was starting to reseal the engine with a complete engine gasket set. Glad I was doing this now anyhow.
I have looked into it and see a lot of kits from imported kits running from $55 to domestic kits at $150 & up. They indicate the use of captured needle bearings cups that are pressed in the rocker arm. Now these kits come with little tools, like large hole washers to push the OEM rocker arms needle seat out of the old rocker, clean up and press in the new ones. Plus, a few, sell brass bushings that eliminate the needles completely. Other sell rocker arms updated complete and ready to go.
Question; Has anyone had this failure or have experience with the different kits offered?
This donor is a 5.3L Vortec engine from an 2003 Tahoe that did not make any noise, has 160-168 PSI compression with 12 PSI oil pressure warmed at idle and 64 at higher PRMs using a SnapOn actual "Bourdon Tube" gauge while running the engine on create mounted stand and pressure pot with gas & 10% ACDelco X66P upper engine cleaner, I use to clean the valve and injectors. Unknown mileage but could be around 130k.
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