Thread: Towing an 83
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Old 04-27-2019, 11:19 PM   #10
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Re: Towing an 83

Just a thought, a co-worker of mine bought a car hauler trailer and moved his truck when he moved out of state, then sold the trailer when he got to his destination. You might compare that to the cost of a one way trailer rental. I agree that a trailer is way better than a tow dolly or four flat tow.

However, when he rented a Uhaul box truck to make the move he found out that the 20 foot box truck he rented did not have a trailer hitch and they would not put one on for him. So, he had to scout around for another company to rent him a box truck with a hitch.

An odd aspect of his trip was that the engine blew on the new Ford box truck he rented about 800 miles into his trip. It was a Ford. They sent out two guys with a replacement truck and transferred all of his belongings from the first truck into the second truck, and they re-hooked his trailer and truck to the second box truck.
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