Thread: 47-55.1 Driveshaft Fit
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Old 04-28-2019, 10:37 AM   #1
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Driveshaft Fit

Is it possible for a driveshaft to fit TOO tightly? We put the driveshaft back into my sons' project yesterday (1953 Chevy 3100 on a Code 504 S10 prepped frame with an LS1 and Tremec T56 six speed) and in order to get it in we had to rotate the rear end upward, slide the U-joint into the yoke, and then lower everything back down. The rear end stayed in place but the fit seems (to me) to be VERY tight. Everything moves okay but I'm wondering if this is going to cause a problem later? The "fix" of course would either be to have the driveshaft shortened by 1/8" or loosen the motor and transmission mounts and shift the engine and tranny forward a little. I'm reluctant to do that if it isn't necessary. All opinions/thoughts are welcome. Thanks!
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