Re: idaho vin inspection
Funny thing about transplants... Every place I've lived has been upset with them. In Western MA the "transplants" from NY would come up in the summer for vacation then forget to move home. In MT the "transplants" came over from CA or, like me, from "Back East." Now here in NH the "transplants" are moving up from the Boston area.
I seem to get along well enough no matter where I live. I used to laugh at the folks from NY who were always frustrated at the backwoodsy ways where I grew up. Folks in MT thought everything in MA was like Boston or NY. I damn near convinced one of 'em we had to wait for the traffic lights to turn green so we could shoot deer when they crossed the street. In NH I tell 'em I moved here from MT. That usually excludes me from the Flatlander qualification immediately although there are plenty of natives who still say I'm "from away."
I don't think there are many places that have Maine beat though. You, your parents, and your grandparents need to have been born in the state and strictly speaking no other place could have been "home" for anyone in the lineage for you to claim "native." Think having your kids in Maine makes 'em natives? The natives will ask you "If a litter of kittens is born in the stove, does that make 'em biscuits?" Tough crowd...
FWIW, I named one of our cats "Biscuit." I tell the folks "from away" it's because of her color. But the natives here raise an eyebrow and chuckle.
Wait, was someone asking about VIN inspections??
Last edited by 1project2many; 04-28-2019 at 08:55 PM.