Thread: 47-55.1 idaho vin inspection
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Old 04-28-2019, 09:09 PM   #38
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Re: idaho vin inspection

When I got my first Oregon fishing license the state had under 1 million population and I routinely caught trophy-sized fish. Now the population is rapidly approaching 5 million and I've basically given up fishing as a waste of my time. Individually, many of those California transplants are nice people; collectively they are destroying the state I once loved. Five times the population means five times the traffic, five times the human-caused wildfires, five times the pollution, etc etc etc. Real estate prices have been driven out of range of most native residents; everywhere Oregonians now live in tents and travel trailers, or squat in the woods. Conversely wages here are dirt because of the constant influx of applicants. I have a friend who was a wealthy financial advisor in CA; now he works in Oregon for minimum wage "just for something to keep busy." Great, you're a California millionaire, and you feel compelled to take a job from an Oregonian who really needs the money? We SNOBs (Society of Native Oregon Born) are sickened when transplants begin bragging about California from the first one minute you meet them.

Signed, James G. Blaine Esq.
1951 Chevy Panel Truck

Last edited by MiraclePieCo; 04-28-2019 at 10:20 PM.
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