Thread: 1967 k -20
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Old 05-01-2019, 12:33 AM   #23
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Re: 1967 k -20


I ended up using washers to space the rims away from the drum. It seems that the rims I bought are a variety of different brands even though I think the back spacing and width are all identical. I know that the tires are all the same size for sure. To explain, the outer edge of the front drums were just rubbing on rivets that held the center section of the rims to the outer section. I think these were a combination of Chrysler and Ford rims. I think the best solution would be to take the disk brake front axle I have and put it up front, then get 4 identical rims that I know fit properly. Attached is another pic with my dads C-10 in the background.

Thanks, Andrew
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