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Old 05-06-2019, 06:25 AM   #2
I'm trying....
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Re: 1969 k10

Shortly after my dad died, my brother and I were talking and he asked what I would do if I did another one. I suggested a SWB K10, maybe even a 69 because there were so few, but the color choices that year were so good. He’s a bit of a savant with Craigslist, so I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised that a few months later he texted me with this pic and asked me what I thought. Like a dinosaur skeleton in a museum, this jewel had had a hard life and all that was left was the frame. A factory KE SWB built in St. Louis, that amazingly came with the original pristine VIN plates and a clear Texas title. With so little to start with, I figured what could be more fun than rescuing a truck so close to brink of oblivion. Except maybe doing it with my brother.
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Last edited by IronCanine; 05-25-2019 at 09:00 PM. Reason: context, spelling
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