Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
^^^This assumes you built it for a pool of buyers. If you built it for yourself who cares what others think!
That said, Ive seen many 80s/early 90s builds for sale with tweed upholstery and pastel paint jobs.
On my truck - which I didnt build with the intent to sell - I painted it red because I LIKE red and I didnt delete the badges or weld shut the bed rolls and delete the tailgate chains because everybody seems to do those things.
You may have built it to your tastes with no intent to sell. But I hate to be the bearer of bad news ... you have excellent taste haha! And chances are you are going to have that "pool of buyers" others wish they had when they try to sell their pastel with tweed interior rides. And I bet your truck looks amazing without trying to be trendy ... Good Job!