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Old 05-09-2019, 11:33 AM   #11
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Re: 1966 F100 Short Bed Styleside Metal/Body/Paint Work

The driver side bed corner fit pretty well at the bottom but stuck out past the bedside towards the top.

I was able to reach the spot welds through the taillight opening with an extended nose grinder and carbide burr. You can see how much I moved the panel inward to make the two flanges flush.

We decided to shave the stake pockets, so I cut out the flanged lip and made a filler panel that keeps and extends the seam so it looks like a factory panel.

I drilled a couple holes to plug weld the filler panel's flange in place like the rest of the corner's flange.

Coated the inside of the corner with epoxy before welding it shut.


Last edited by theastronaut; 05-09-2019 at 02:27 PM.
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