Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Do you think modern cars are built to be more reliable or less?
My experience is that modern cars are less reliable. I can't count how many times I've had a Check Engine light that ultimately resulted in a $1000 repair. Old cars will still run fine with less than optimum tuning. New cars need a closed loop or they won't run at all.
Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Modern cars are offered with 100,000 mile warranties...think car companies do that without careful financial consideration of the cost of it on tens of thousands of units?
Warranties are offered as a marketing incentive; their numbers have been driven up by competition. They have nothing to do with actual reliability.
Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Electronic fuel injection is infinitely more reliable than a carburetor and points.
You are confusing efficiency with reliability.
Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
But you'll notice no one sells ice bags to hang on your radiator anymore, no one has to remember to bring a match book to gap points on the road anymore, or own feeler gauges at all anymore.
People SHOULD be able to do roadside repairs themselves. A roadside breakdown that once could be fixed with a match and feeler gauge now necessitates a tow to the dealership and a multi-hundred dollar diagnosis by a technician with an array of computerized equipment. This is NOT reliability.