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Old 05-12-2019, 08:13 AM   #3
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Re: Ford Windstar E-fan with LS Wiring

Originally Posted by cebra View Post
I have searched for hours on this and find similar threads even one title Ford Windstar E-fan wiring but it is showing a off/on type fan. Here is what I have:

LS with Standalone Harness: 2 wires (Lo and Hi)
Ford Windstar E-fan: 3 wires (blue/blk/blk) on each fan; I assume this is Lo/High/Ground in some order

I am trying to figure out how to wire relays for 3-prong fans, I see a ton of information on 2 prong dual fans. To add more complexity, I will be adding vintage air in a few months and will need to wire a trinary in as well. I found this and it is the simplest I have seen but for dual 2-prong fans.
No need to wire the low speed wire on the fans . The 3 relay system will run both fans in series and will run at half speed for low speed . When the pcm commands high speed it will switch the relay and both will run on high . This is the reason for the 3 relays . Other wise you will only need 2 relays and wire in the low speed wire as well . It can done either way being you have a 3 wire fan .

As for a/c trinary for the fans . Nothing will be different for the fans if you wire it in the pcm like gm did , which I recommend .

Last edited by homemade87; 05-12-2019 at 08:20 AM.
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