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Old 05-13-2019, 08:07 AM   #11
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Re: 66 C10 Suspension Help Needed

update from what i have figured out.

1. The Moog #6104 front coils (72 C10 with BBC) - Spring rate 1016 lbs; load 2950 lbs install height 10 inches; free height 12.94 inches. this is what i have in the truck right now.

2. The Moog #6082. this is a stock replacement for the 66 C10 regardless of the I6 or SBC V8; Spring rate 722 lbs, load 2406 lbs; install height 10 inches; free height 13.18 inches.

According to Moog, if i change to the original spring it will drop 1 inch.

I was looking at the Speedway Motors drop spring. 2 inch. Spring rate 1100 lbs; free height 11.5 inches.

So the question is if I use this Speedway Motors drop spring, does the "2 inch drop" measure from the original stock height when designed?. if so i would drop 3 inches from the current setup??? when you compare the spring rate, it is higher than the current BBC setup that i have.

i did check 1 think as per Moogs tech line suggestion. I had to be sure when i installed the control arms that they were tightened after the engine was installed not before.
i did raise the center of the front end up so both wheels were hanging; the control arms moved freely downward. However, when i raise 1 side underneath the control arm; there was barely any movement vertically upward. seems the spring is really firm in the upward direction.

would like some thought to this. thanks.

Last edited by Afirehawk1; 05-14-2019 at 09:09 AM. Reason: typo
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