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Old 05-13-2019, 07:44 PM   #4
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Re: HO52 Rear Disc Brake Conversion Accomplished By Anyone?

I did the ruff stuff kit last fall. It was simple and easy to install. You do lose the e-brake, but if you want to spend the money they now sell a caliper that’ll work and has the e-brake, which I may end up adding on later. Only issue you’ll have is you’ll have to drill out the hub to do 9/16” studs. The studs they recommend in the kit worked perfect. I couldn’t find anyone that would drill them for me(I guess liability issue?) so I did it myself. If you do it yourself I used a 19/32” to drill it out and they seated good. The drilling was the only pain part of it. Only other issue I had was the brake line wouldn’t come apart, so I ended up replacing the hard line that runs across the axle to the drivers side.
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