Re: Over cammed 402
I went with the Comp 270HR ( XR270HR ) Roller type cam in my otherwise stock, iron head 402 and am very happy with the result. In fact, it is so mild, I'm certain I could have gone to the 276HR and been just as happy with a bit more in the mid/high end HP and lose a little in low end torque.
The 268H would be great for your BBC. Keep in mind that it is a mild cam with only very slight rough idle, good vacuum and should work well with stock converter.
Comp Cams software cam picker tool, CamQuest, spits out info on various cams for a given setup. I pulled up my 402 with stock #063 heads, headers, dual plane intake, 1000 CFM "carb" and this is what it spit out for the cams recommended and a couple others:
CAM RPM range NOTES peak HP/TQ
260H 1200-5200 Good Torque/Power, 3.73 or higher, smooth idle 351/465
268H 1500-5500 Performance with slight rough idle, great for heavy towing in 454. 362/454
270H 1500-5800 Good Daily Driven Street Machines w/stock converter, likes headers, 396 needs 3.55-3.73 gear, slight rough idle. 367/452
280H 2000-6000 Great for street machines, use headers, needs 9:1 compression, use 2500 stall, low gears. Rough idle. 378/438
XR270HR 1600-5400 Great mid-range torque, likes headers. 407/477
67 C10 fleet fuel injected '70 402, 700r4, 3.73 posi
07 335 sport turbo 6sp
94 Trans Am GT LT1 6sp posi -- sold after 22yrs
99 540 sport V8 6sp -- sold
73 240z L24 4sp -- given to friend
68 C10 step 350/350 3.73 open -- sold