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Old 06-03-2002, 08:20 PM   #1
68 with 350 TPI
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Exclamation I need some rallye wheel beauty rings!!!!!!!!

I want to get some new beauty rings for some 6 lug rally wheels and I want them as wide as possable.

I have heard that GM used to sell some that were like over 3 inch deep (somewhere around 4 inch).

Also I need some nice center caps .....
Does anyone know of any that look good that will fit that are not like the stock type???

If so please post me some pics of this stuff and where to get it.
So far I have only found 2 inch and 3 inch wide rings and center caps that look like the 4x4 style.

Life is good with a 6-71 supercharged 355 in a 72 camaro
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