Re: Why I Don't Follow Trends With My Truck Builds
It is absolutely okay to build a trendy truck. 100%. Why does your truck need to be timeless? Who ever said that was a rule, necessary, or even good?
Sure you can play it safe, keep it really stock, and hang your hat on how traditional you are. Go to a show, find the other guys like you, and sit in your lawn chairs patting yourselves on the back for being authentic and real and tasteful. And that's totally fine if that makes you happy.
But while you're so busy making sure the world appreciates how timeless you are, I'm going to have fun building something I want to do today, because I'm alive today. And they're just trucks. It's just stuff. Screw it.
Get your mullet back if you want.
Also: Why would you avoid doing something to your truck because someone else did? Is there an originality prize somewhere I'm not aware of? Do you win a longer life? Whats the reward? Just do what you like even if 1000 other people like it too. Probably a reason for that. Plus you I-must-be-different guys are sissies. Wow you put in a Cummins? Turn your truck into a three-wheeler. Replace the sheet metal with plexiglass. Convert the doors to removable jeep-style. Make a bed that also can be removed and used as a trailer.
Last edited by daveshilling; 05-16-2019 at 05:19 PM.