Originally Posted by mick53
I'm not smart enough to know what the trends are anyway. I just do what I like. They can bury me in it if they want to.
trends are popular things like rat rods (or scrap rods, right MPC?

) or s10 frame swaps, or flat black paint jobs. or a hundred other mods that contrarians like to pooh-pooh, really its just hair splitting, that "i am better because" talk that got left behind in high school.
you have it right mick, build what you like. and if it ends up youre the only one who likes it, or it ends up someones joke on a website, who cares? at least you built it. guys knock minitrucks all the time, but the minitruck culture was one of encouragement and support. broke your truck at a gas station 100 miles away from a show? everyone waits with you, except the guys who run for parts or a trailer. project stalled? 3 guys come over on the weekend and help get off high center. no one ever posted pictures of other builds with snarky comments or knocked guys for trying something new. hope lone wolfing works out for the guys who do it better than everyone, for example the hamb is the loneliest place on the internet, lots of similar opinions on trends and lots of judgement, lots of lonely guys patting other lonely guys on the back.
the guys who buy my trendy trucks love em. they probably love them more than the guys who hate them, hate them. if they offend anyone here, send me your address and I will refund every penny you spent.