Converting 72 Blazer to a BB, motormount/header questions ??
Just pick up a real clean 72 Blazer that had an engine/dashboard fire. I was told the engine was good, but figured it wasn't so I'm not terribly upset it needs an engine ............ I could easily just freshen the small block it came with and I'm sure that's the cheapest route, but I have a nice 454 with peanut ports that just makes sense for this truck. Couple questions I have before I dive in are .
#1 Do the BB POL mounts work well and leave the trans in the same spot as the small block did, or will the trans need some movement too ???
#2 Is there a header combo that works with the POL mounts, some say yes, some say no ????
#3 Is the truck really worth more with a 454 than a 350 ??? I figure the swap is only about a $500-$600 add on , being I already have the engine.
My plan is to build the truck super nice and keep it for a while, but eventually it may be sold off, so resale is important.
Thanks for the help !!!!