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Old 05-26-2019, 09:06 PM   #54
I'm trying....
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Re: 1969 K10 CST Full Restoration

A surprisingly huge hang up on this build was the rear diff. Our truck came from the factory with 3.73s. Since the Dana that we transplanted on the front was a 3.08 in great shape...and the 3.73 under our frame was not (to say the least), and we were going with a 3 speed automatic, we decided to go with 3.08s all around. Even though we've got a '71 axle on the front, it was important to us to try and keep the original rear axle housing dated 10/23/68. For whatever reason the new gear set was really a bear to set up. I put it together and took it apart over 20 times before I finally got it to a point where I thought it was even close. It had been so finicky, I honestly didn't trust it'd be the same once the try-in bearings were swapped for new ones. So I leaned on my go to guy for stuff like this. He's been doing it for 100 years and promptly told me that without a proper pinion depth checker, I shall I put this..he said I was going #2 into the wind. Which I guess it depends on your diet or health as to how bad that really is. Anyway, turns out this rear end is a fighter and gave him all he wanted too. And he hilariously admitted as much through a couple of loud and colorful phone conversations...It took him a few weeks...But to his great credit by 6pm on Friday he had the pinion set with new pinion bearings pressed on which was enough for I hustled to pick it up to get it under the truck this weekend. I shimmed the carrier where I left off and sure enough the backlash was perfect. It made a pretty pattern and felt silky smooth. But after the long ordeal, it needed serious freshening up, which Eric took care of last night and we set out today to get this rascal buttoned up and--finally--under the truck.
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Last edited by IronCanine; 05-26-2019 at 09:23 PM.
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